1 Richmond Grove
1 Richmond Grove, Mangotsfield, BS16 9AN
40% Share from
Full market price
1 bedroom house
Bedrooms | 1 |
Bathrooms | 1 |
Reception rooms | 1 |
Number of floors | 1 |
Entrance floor | Ground floor |
Tenure | leasehold |
40% Share from
Full market price
What is shared ownership?
What is eligibility?
The rules for shared ownership are different to a private purchase. In short, as long as you don’t currently own, or won’t own another property when you move in to a new home, you’re likely to qualify. Help to Buy is available to first time buyers only and the property value itself must fall below a price threshold for that specific area which varies in terms of the average house price in the region.
Read more about eligibility in the FAQ
Why do you need to know where I work?
Some properties require you to live or work in the local area in order to be eligible to buy them. By knowing the areas in which you live and work, we can make sure you see everything available to you.